IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014

Fast Edge-Preserving PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow

Linchao Bao      Qingxiong Yang                           Hailin Jin          
  City University of Hong Kong                       Adobe Research    

Abstract    We present a fast optical flow algorithm that can handle large displacement motions. Our algorithm is inspired by recent successes of local methods in visual correspondence searching as well as approximate nearest neighbor field algorithms. The main novelty is a fast randomized edge-preserving approximate nearest neighbor field algorithm which propagates self-similarity patterns in addition to offsets. Experimental results on public optical flow benchmarks show that our method is significantly faster than state-of-the-art methods without compromising on quality, especially when scenes contain large motions.


1.  Paper [PDF (5.4MB)]
2. Win32 CUDA Binary Executable (require CUDA-capable NVIDIA graphics card) [zip (9.1MB) | README]
3. Win32 "flo" File Browser (GUI tool for visulizing flow results) [zip (4.6MB) | README | Middlebury "flo" format]
4. Supplementary Materials (more results) [PDF (23.5MB)]
5. Poster [PDF (0.8MB)]
6. Journal Extension (IEEE Trans. on Image Processing) [PDF (24MB) | low-res. PDF (740KB)] (new)
7. Matlab Mex code (require CUDA-capable NVIDIA graphics card, for Matlab R2013a/Win64) [mexw64 (2.5MB)] (new)


We use approximate nearest neighbor field (NNF) for large displacement optical flow estimation in this work. NNF is a correspondence field indicating pairs of image patches from two images which are closest in terms of some patch distance. There is no limitation on the relative distance between a pair of closest patches which makes NNF a good source of information for handling large displacement motions. Although exact NNF is computationally expensive to compute, there exist efficient approximate algorithms, such as PatchMatch [1]. In order to eliminate matching ambiguities, a large patch size is usually needed for optical flow estimation. But increasing patch size leads to two problems which are motion boundary preservation and algorithm speed. We address the former problem by introducing a novel edge-preserving version of PatchMatch and the latter one by developing a fast approximate algorithm.

Edge-Preserving PatchMatch

Instead of computing patch distance using Euclidean distance, we use the bilateral weighted [2] patch distance when computing matching cost. When the patch size is large, the advantage of using bilateral weighted patch distance is obvious.
Edge-Preserving PatchMatch

Fast Algorithm

Notice that although PatchMatch is very fast for small patch size, it is actually much slower when increasing patch size. Other choices of computing NNF, like CSH [3] or KD-Tree based algorithm [4], cannot be directly applied to bilateral weighted patch matching (actually, CSH and KD-Tree based algorithm is not suitable for optical flow estimation since their results is targeted on minimizing reconstruction error and the NNF results are usually too messy). Our solution is, using less pixels when computing patch distance in PatchMatch.

We notice that, due to the range kernel employed in the bilateral weighted patch distance, the major portion of the matching cost is contributed by pixels that are similar to the center pixel. This suggests a natural way to accelerate the matching cost computation which is that we simply ignore dissimilar pixels to center pixel. We employ an additional scheme similar to the idea of propagating offset in PatchMatch, which is, propagating the selected pixels! Specifically, the algorithm is as follows: for each pixel, we randomly select n pixels (n is much smaller than the number of pixels inside the patch) from its surrounding patch and store them into a vector in the order of their similarity to the center pixel (namely, self-similarity vector); then we scan the image from top-left to bottom-right, and, for each pixel, merge its adjacent pixels’ vector into its own own vector (according to the stored pixels’ similarity to current pixel); reversely scan and merge. After obtaining all the self-similarity vectors, we use the vector for computing NNF by PatchMatch algorithm. See more details in the paper.

Besides, in order to further accelerate the algorithm, we compute the NNF in a downsampled version of the original image and then use bilateral upsampling [5] with local refinement to get the flow in original resolution. The downsampled image should not be too small in order to capture fine scale details.


The NNF computation is only the first step of optical flow estimation. Our whole pipeline is as follows (similar to [6] except subpixel refinement)

Bi-directional NNF  ->  Forward/Backward Consistency Check  ->  Weighted Median Filtering  ->  Subpixel Refinement.

Our subpixel refinement uses a 2D paraboloid surface fitting algorithm on a higher resolution image (bicubic upsampled version of input image). See the following results for an example. Notice that (c) is computed from a higher resolution, while (b) is from the original resolution. In our algorithm, their  computational cost is the same (except the cost of the bicubic upsampling of input image).
Subpixel Refinement


We implemented our whole algorithm using CUDA and performed experiments on a NVIDIA Geforce GTX 780 GPU. Our implementation can process a 640 x 480 image (0.3 Megapixel) in 0.2 seconds. The algorithm scales well with the size of the image. For example, it can process a 1024 x 436 image (MPI Sintel data, 0.45 Megapixel) in 0.25 seconds.

Results on Benchmarks (shown as "EPPM")

We evaluated our method on three benchmarks (see the following links). Note that our method is much faster than the other top performers. 
1. MPI Sintel
3. Middlebury (EPPM without downsampling)


title={Fast Edge-Preserving PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow},
author={Bao, Linchao and Yang, Qingxiong and Jin, Hailin},
booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

Journal Extension (new):
title={Fast Edge-Preserving PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow},
author={Bao, Linchao and Yang, Qingxiong and Jin, Hailin},
journal={Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on},


[1] Barnes et al. Patchmatch: a randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing. In  SIGGRAPH, 2009.
[2] Yoon and Kweon. Adaptive support-weight approach for correspondence search. TPAMI, 2006.
[3] Korman and Avidan. Coherency sensitive hashing. In ICCV, 2011.
[4] He and Sun. Computing nearest-neighbor fields via propagation-assisted kd-trees. In CVPR, 2012.
[5] Yang et al. Spatial-depth super resolution for range images. In CVPR, 2007.
[6] Rhemann et al. Fast cost-volume filtering for visual correspondence and beyond. In CVPR, 2011.