The executable is attached with CVPR 2014 paper "Fast Edge-Preserving PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow" for academic use. It has been tested on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2008 and CUDA 4.2 SDK installed. Usage: -------------------------------------------------------------------- EPPM_flow.exe img1 img2 flo_output flow_color img1 -- input frame 1 (*.png) img2 -- input frame 2 (*.png) flo_output -- output flow result (*.flo) flow_color -- color preview for flow result (*.png) -------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: 0) You should have a CUDA-capable NVIDIA GPU to run the program. 1) The parameters are fixed to the default parameters reported in the paper. 2) Due to the randomized algorithm involved, the results of each running may be a little different. 3) The output file flo_output (*.flo) is in the format described in Middlebury or MPI Sintel benchmark. You can use our FloFileReader to open it for color show. 4) The output file flow_color (*.png) is only for preview, and its color mapping may be different from that is used in the benchmarks' websites. 5) The runtime reported in our paper is obtained on a Geforce GTX 780 GPU.